z.en technologies gmbh


The problems of the 21st century are fundamentally related to the excessive exploitation of our Earth's natural resources, to the growing and man-made increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere, the inefficiencies of most energy production processes, and dwindling drinking water. Our health is also affected by these global processes.

There are ways to deal with these problems:

  • Consistent recycling - especially in the industrialized countries - can save the limited resources.
  • The use of biological residues instead of fossil materials for energy production, and the realization that the end products of most of the processes that our civilization uses - namely, CO2 and water - must be the raw materials of renewable processes for fuel production, can reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Previously not or only rudimentarily used methods of energy production must be further developed and made technically usable.
  • The common processes for seawater desalination - here the reverse osmosis is the focus of consideration - must be supplemented by procedures that do not pollute the seawater.
  • A sustainably intact environment is also the prerequisite for our health, i.e. a functioning immune system and an activated cell structure, which can slow down or even reverse the aging process. Many plants growing in their natural environment contain active substances that can promote these processes - a fact that opens up immense opportunities and possibilities
  • z.en technologies has set itself the goal of making a concrete and sustainable contribution to the fields described here.



z.en technologies gmbh