Seawater desalination
Providing clean drinking water in sufficient quantities and anywhere in the world where it is needed is increasingly becoming one of the biggest problems of our time. From an ecological point of view, seawater desalination to produce drinking water does not cause any problem - in the large cycle, the water is returned to the system, so it is not lost.
In the longer term, however, at least questionable appears to be the fact that the preferred technology for desalination - the reverse osmosis – leads the water, which has after the removal of drinking water a higher salt concentration back to the sea. This causes - for example in the Gulf region - a slow increase in salinity.
A process under development avoids this disadvantage by completely removing the salts on the basis of an electrophoresis process. This offers decisive advantages and predestines such systems primarily as reverse osmosis downstream units, because the supply of already concentrated seawater is no problem for the new process.
The development is currently in the laboratory stage, but interested parties are cordially invited to get in contact with us now.
Wastewater treatment
We also offer solutions in this sector - especially in the field of industrial wastewater. In cooperation with relevant specialist companies, we first of all organize a precise problem analysis and then develop tailor-made processes for the purification and recycling of the waste water into environmentally friendly, clean water.